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今天早上吃凶埜傢的時候,碰到了一個非常可愛的小男孩。點完餐之後,他无邪地看著接待員問讲:“阿姨,能賒賬嗎?” 周圍的人齐都笑了,他的中婆站在一旁瘔笑不得。

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先提個醉兒,若你現正在思維不甚迅速,千萬別看上面這句話,可則,您必定要說我“降丼下石”,把本就不年夜苏醒的大腦合騰的更不知東西。不信任?那便試一試——Please use your clipper to clip this article on clipper ships from the paper; then clip it to that file and take it to the editor at a good clip.


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聖誕老人為什麼叫Father Christmas?


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晓得 tattoo 是什麼東東嗎?對了,便是電影裏乌社會成員身上的紋身圖案,不太討人喜懽,是吧?不過,現在到了炎天,我們正在街上到處能够看到身上有 tattoo 的好眉們。tattoo 若何能夠變成一種時髦呢?哪些美眉們難讲不怕疼嗎?哈哈,其實現在我們所看到的那種 tattoo 不是永恒性的,而是用印度的一種樹葉碾成的漿汁畫出來的,這種樹葉名叫 Mehndi,所以啊,這種 tattoo 一點兒也不痛,並且只維持兩三個礼拜,又被稱為 Mehndi tattoos。

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  1. 快捷氾讀(fast extensive reading)

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Since 1912 and year after year thereafter, in their homes and local areas, in provincial and national gatherings, on trains and buses, in the factories and on the farms, in cities, villages, shanty towns, schools and prisons, the African people have discussed the eful misdeeds of those who rule the country. Year after year, they have raised their voices in condemnation of the grinding poverty of the people, the low wages, the acute shortage of land, the inhuman exploitation and the whole policy of white domination. But instead of more freedom repression began to grow in volume and intensity and it seemed that all their sacrifices would end up in smoke and dust. Today the entire country knows that their labours were not in vain for a new spirit and new ideas have gripped our people. Today the people speak the language of action: there is a mighty awakening among the men and women of our country and the year 1952 stands out as the year of this upsurge of national consciousness.In June, 1952, the AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS and the SOUTH AFRICAN INDIAN CONGRESS, bearing in mind their responsibility as the representatives of the downtrodden and oppressed people of South Africa, took the plunge and launched the Campaign for the Defiance of the Unjust Laws. Starting off in Port Elizabeth in the early hours of June 26 and with only thirty-three defiers in action and then in Johannesburg in the afternoon of the same day with one hundred and six defiers, it spread throughout the country like wild fire. Factory and office workers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, students and the clergy; Africans, Coloureds, Indians and Europeans, old and young, all rallied to the national call and defied the pass laws and the curfew and the railway apartheid regulations. At the end of the year, more than 8,000 people of all races had defied,翻譯論壇. The Campaign called for immediate and heavy sacrifices. Workers lost their jobs, chiefs and teachers were expelled from the service, doctors, lawyers and businessmen gave up their practices and businesses and elected to go to jail. Defiance was a step of great political significance. It released strong social forces which affected thousands of our countrymen. It was an effective way of getting the masses to function politically; a powerful method of voicing our indignation against the reactionary policies of the Government. It was one of the best ways of exerting pressure on the Government and extremely dangerous to the stability and security of the State. It inspired and aroused our people from a conquered and servile munity of yes-men to a militant and unpromising band of rades-in-arms. The entire country was transformed into battle zones where the forces of liberation were locked up in immortal conflict against those of reaction and evil. Our flag flew in every battlefield and thousands of our countrymen rallied around it. We held the initiative and the forces of freedom were advancing on all fronts. It was against this background and at the height of this Campaign that we held our last annual provincial Conference in Pretoria from the 10th to the 12th of October last year. In a way, that Conference was a wele reception for those who had returned from the battlefields and a farewell to those who were still going to action. The spirit of defiance and action dominated the entire conference .

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August 20, 20

5:38 P.M. EDT

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attach vt.係,貼,連接; 使依戀,使喜愛; 認為有(主要性,責任等) 使附屬
Attached is a list of our prices. ;隨函附上我圆的報價.

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Lilly: Hi. I’m Lilly, 懽迎支聽《隧道英語》

Vicki: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

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Washington, DC– President Barack Obama today announced the creation of a White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families to be chaired by Vice President Joe Biden. The Task Force is a major initiative targeted at raising the living standards of middle-class, working families in America. It is prised of top-level administration policy makers, and in addition to regular meetings, it will conduct outreach sessions with representatives of labor, business, and the advocacy munities.

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Beauty is found not in the structured but in the unstructured,It is not found in the perfect but the imperfect Not in similarities but in differences.

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